What this is

PitDoc Press represents the comic book writing, publishing, blogging, emailing, stream of consciousnessing, and heretofore undreamt of methods of personal expression of a solitary individual named Colin Devonshire. Colin is a husband, father, emergency doctor, writer and musician in Boston, MA. As a board certified emergency physician for 18 years and counting, Colin takes care of everyone coming through the door. When he’s not in the ER he keeps busy with creative projects. His comic book series By the Time I Get to Dallas and The Trinity Project started as a writing project during a work sabbatical and took on a life of its own. He writes, records and performs rock music with his bands Leckerphonics and Twice-a-Day Ray. He documents the midlife struggle in his blog. During pandemic social distancing he led online cocktail making lessons for friends and family. Along the way he has been an environmental scientist, paleontology researcher, has bred Siamese fighting fish, produced a medical school class show, thrown a craps party on his roof, and earned a blue belt in Krav Maga. He lives with his wife Ethel, children Virginia and Ezra, and various ideas competing for attention in his easily overtaxed mind.

What to do

Subscribe so you never miss an update—every new post is sent directly to your email inbox. Colin writes about his comic book projects, the midlife struggle to get/stay creative, tips for “staying sane this week” and other bits of weird and wisdom that burble up as he stares glassy-eyed at the keyboard after a nightshift. For a spam-free, ad-free PitDoc experience, plus audio and community features, get the Substack app.

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Dig the medical apocalypses comic book thing? Do you have the spark of a creative idea that you’re tending in the gale of life’s demands? Do you want to know what life is like in the ER/on stage/in the world of indie comics? Then PitDocPress.substack.com is the place to get all that and more.

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A Midlife Crisis Comics Company